
Currency unit in the Republic of Bulgaria is the Bulgarian Lev or BGN. All payments must be done in BGN.
1 lev = 100 stotinki.
Face value (bank-note): 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 LEV.
Face value (coin): 1 Lev, 1,2,5,10,20,50 stotinki

Since 2002, LEV is equalised to EURO currency and the rate of exchange is 1 EURO = 1.95583 LEV, also this rate never changes.

Currency Exchange In banks and 24-hour change bureaux. The exchange rate is announced every day. The exchange rates may differ from the ones of the Bulgarian National Bank (look below).

WHAT CURRENCY TO BRING? People coming from the countries which joined the EURO can bring this currency. People coming from the UK can bring Sterling (United Kingdom Pounds). People from the other countries it is recommended they bring US Dollars or Euro. These 3 type of currencies are mostly accepted in the exchange offices. Other currencies are also accepted, but the exchange rate of them is relatively low.

CASH OR CREDIT CARD? Credit cards are accepted in Bulgaria, but not popular everywhere yet. All bigger shops (especially in Sofia and Varna) accept Visa and Master Card, but the in the smaller shops, bars, restaurants, credit cards are not accepted. Be ready to pay cash in most places there. Some of the exchange offices in the resort give cash for credit card, but they charge between 5 and 6 % commission for this service. We recommend you bring enough amount of cash (USD, Euro, Pounds). If you run out of cash you can always take some from the ATMs(bank machines). The most popular credit cards in Bulgaria are Visa and Master Card. The other cards are not widely accepted.

WHERE TO EXCHANGE MONEY? Exchange offices are everywhere in Bulgaria. According to the new law in Bulgaria, they are supposed to give exactly what is written on the sign of their window, and the deal is not closed if you have not signed the receipt. Remember to always ask for receipt! Also, please never exchange money on the street!

Working Hours banks - 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.(Monday to Friday)

Credit Cards:
Valid card types in bank machines (ATM): MASTERCARD, VISA, EUROCARD, DINNERS, AMEX.
When withdrawing money from ATM the bank will charge the usual 0.5 to 1.5 % commission. It will give you the local currency LEVs and not the currency of your bank account. Therefore it is good to check what rate of exchange YOUR CURRENCY-LEV will be used, because sometimes it is relatively low.

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