The Twelfth Workshop "Solar Influences on the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere" was scheduled to be held from June 3 to 7, 2020 in Primorsko, Bulgaria. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Local Organizing Committee decided to postpone the workshop until September. Unfortunately, in September the situation was not better, and it was not possible to hold a face-to-face meeting. Therefore, the workshop was held online. 24 papers with a total of 76 authors from 11 countries are included in these Proceedings.
The Scientific Organizing Committee and the Editors of the Proceedings thank all the participants in the Workshop and contributors to the Proceedings.
"Book of Proceedings 2020" (12 046KB, 163 pages, PDF)
Rozelot J.P., Kosovichev A.G., Kilcik A., Sahin S., Xu Y., Javaraiah J., Georgieva K., Özgüҫ A. | …01 |
Katsova M.M., Obridko V.N., Sokoloff D.D., Livshits I.M. On Superflares on the Sun and Stars | …25 |
Koleva K., Chandra R., Joshi R., Devi P., Duchlev P., Dechev M. Morphological and Kinematical Study of Causally- Linked Filament Eruptions | …31 |
Tsvetkov Ts., Petrov N. New 30-cm Solar Telescope at National Astronomical Observatory Rozhen | …36 |
Tsvetkov Ts., Petrov N., Miteva R., Ivanov E., Popov V. Bulgarian Expedition for the Total Solar Eclipse on 2020 December 14 | …40 |
Bojilova R., Mukhtarov P. Functional Dependence of the Critical Frequency of the Ionospheric F2-layer on Geomagnetic Activity | …44 |
Bojilova R., Mukhtarov P. Relationship Between Short-Term Variations in Solar Activity and Critical Frequency of the Ionospheric F2 Layer | …49 |
Despirak I.V., Lubchich A.A., Kleimenova N.G. Certain Space Weather Conditions for a Supersubstorm Appearance | …53 |
Gromova L.I., Kleimenova N.G., Gromov S.V., Malysheva L.M. Local and Global Longitudinal Geomagnetic SC Effects at High-Latitudes: Case Study of the Interval of March 07-15, 2012 | …59 |
Guineva V., Werner R. Substorm Activity During the Geomagnetic Storm on 25 August 2018 | …65 |
Kleimenova N.G., Gromova L.I., Gromov S.V., Malysheva L.M. Strong High-Latitude Geomagnetic Response to the Initial Phase of the Magnetic Storm on 5 April 2010 | …71 |
Lytvynenko O.A., Panishko S.K. Variations of the Ionosphere Scintillation Parameters on the Observations of the Cosmic Radio Sources at the Decameter Wave Range During Two Cycles of the Solar Activity | …77 |
Borisenko A.V., Podgorny I.M., Podgorny A.I.Using of Parallel Computing on Gpus for MHD Modeling of Solar Flare Behavior in Real Time Scale | …81 |
Shepherd, M.G., Shepherd, G.G., Barreto, C.S., Cho, Y.M., Chen, Y.Thermospheric Wind Variability at High Latitudes - The Wind Wall | …87 |
Podgorny A.I., Podgorny I.M., Borisenko A.V. Study of the Solar Flare Mechanism by MHD Simulation in the Corona Above the Active Region in Real Time Scale | …93 |
Dachev T., Semkova J., Tomov B., Matviichuk Y., Dimitrov P., Koleva1 R., Jordanova M., Bankov N., | …99 |
Dachev T., Tomov B., Matviichuk Y., Dimitrov P., Semkova J., Jordanova M., Bankov N., Ploc O., Litvak M., Tretyakov V., Shurshakov V., Benghin V. Registration of Neutrons with a Single Detector Liulin Type Spectrometer | …109 |
Kalinichenkî M.M., Kuhai N.V., Konovalenko O.O., Bubnov I.M., Erin S.M., Romanchuk O.I.Giant Ukrainian Radio Telescope as an Instrument for Interplanetary Scintillation Observations | …117 |
Chapanov Ya. Decadal NAO Oscillations Excited by TSI Cycles | …123 |
Chapanov Ya., Ron C, Vondrák J. Solar Influence on Seismic Energy | …129 |
Komitov B., Kaftan V. The Volcanic and Solar Activity Relationship During the Last ~ 460 Years. Could a Significant Part of the "Sun-Climate" Relationship Goes Through Lithosphere? | …135 |
Komitov B., Kaftan V. The Beech Tree Ring Widths, Solar-Climatic Relationships and Solar Dynamo Regime Changes | …141 |
Tonev P.T. Observations Supporting Hypothesis for Global Electrical Circuit as Mediator between Solar Events and Weather | …147 |
Veretenenko S.V. Effects of Solar Proton Events of January 2005 on Intensity of the Stratospheric Polar Vortex in the Northern Hemisphere | …153 |
Belakhovsky V.B., Pilipenko V.À., Sakharov Ya.A., Selivanov V.N. The GIC growth in electric power lines during magnetic storm on 7÷8 September 2017 | …159 |