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The instrument s sensor is a Seya-Namioka monochromator with concave holographic diffraction grating. The spectrophotometer measures the radiation intensity in the range 255 - 400 nm, with 1 nm resolution. The spectral calibration was performed in laboratory conditions using a mercury lamp with narrow emissions bands. In absolute units the instrument was calibrated by comparison to a standard Brewer spectrophotometer in Thessaloniki, Greece (1997) and in Andenes, Norway (2002). A spectrophotometer sensor was mounted on the 20 cm telescope.\P\th  R  The method for determination of the total ozone content is similar to the method, applied in the classical Brewer spectrophotometers. TOC is determined from direct solar spectra by applying the Bouguer-Lambert s law of radiation attenuation during transition through the Earth s atmosphere and different absorption of the separate wavelengths by the ozone molecules. We, however, use the intensity of more wavelength couples (about 20). This way enhanced precision in the determination of TOC is achieved [8].>*5 Data analysis and results The measurements of the UV radiation reaching the Earth s surface in time of the eclipses and the total ozone content (TOC), calculated by them, was performed in Stara Zagora (4225 N, 2538 E). The meteorological situation before, after and on the days of the eclipses was stable and the sky was clear. The course of some wavelength intensities, registered by the spectrophotometer Photon during the eclipse on 11 August 1999, is presented in Fig.1. The measurements show that the decrease in the different wavelengths is not equal. For example, the intensity of  = 325 nm decreases 41 times, while  =340 nm - 31 times at 95% coverage.PX}The results for the total ozone content during this eclipse are presented in Fig.2. The data from 10 August 1999 (control day) are also presented and the ozone change during the eclipse iscompared with them. About 15 minutes after the first contact a comparatively weak increase (~5%) of the ozone was seen. After that it began to decrease till the maximum obscuration. Approximately 5 minutes before the maximum phase the ozone reached a value ~14% lower than that on the control day. Almost 5 minutes after the maximum coverage the total ozone sharply increased and 30 minutes later it became ~10% more than on 10 August. Then the ozone amount decreased, reaching a level 6% higher than that on the control day. The registered behaviour of the total ozone after the maximum obscuration was similar to that, reported by Chakrabarty et al. [6]. In our case, however, the duration of the ozone increase was longer - ~30 minutes. The appearance of a maximum in the total ozone ~60 minutes before the maximum phase was similar to the results reported by Mims and Mims [4] when such a maximum was registered 50 minutes before the second contact.~P~>  S 6  The results for the total ozone, taking into account the limb darkening of the solar disk, are presented in Fig.2. It is seen that as a result the maximum fall of the ozone amount is 4-5 % ~25-30 minutes before and after the maximum coverage. A similar result was reported by Bojkov [2]. The maximum solar coverage during the eclipse on 29 March 2006 in Stara Zagora was 76%. During the observation 42 direct solar spectra were registered. Fig.3 presents three spectra: (1)  before the eclipse, (2)  in the maximum phase and (3)  after the last contact. The measurements of UV irradiance show that the radiation decrease about the max phase is different for the separate wavelengths. The irradiance at shorter wavelengths is reduced more than at longer ones (limb darkening effect). The radiation course describes very well the moments characterizing the eclipse: beginning, maximum phase, end (Fig.4). Since the local noon was 33 minutes before the maximum phase, this course is a combination of the eclipse effect and the irradiance changes due to the solar zenith angle changes.WPWH^ i zmaximum eclipse phase, 3  after the eclipse (Stara Zagora).>>,/   Fig.5 shows the intensities of the same wavelengths on 30 March (control day). The normal course with a maximum in the Sun culmination can be seen. The ozone variability during this eclipse is illustrated in Fig.6. The first anomaly began immediately after the first contact. A sharp TOC increase of 50 DU was registered. After that TOC began to decrease and its value was 216 DU in the maximum phase, which is 120 DU less than that in the control day. 45 minutes after the maximum phase the ozone reached a value which was 50 DU higher than that in the control day. After that a sharp decrease was observed and the TOC values approached those from the control day. The comparison of the UV and TOC variability during both eclipses - on 11 August 1999 and 29 March 2006 shows almost the same time-pattern features. The registered TOC variations about and after the maximum obscuration are quite similar to the ones obtained by Mims and Mims [4] and Chakrabarty et al. [6]."P0   Conclusion SThe observed ozone behaviour over Bulgaria during solar eclipse can not be explained by the contemporary theory of the processes, determining the ozone amount in the atmosphere. According to this theory, the ozone shall have a comparatively long lifetime in order to respond to the changes of the ultraviolet radiation during the eclipse. That is why the presented significant ozone fluctuations during the eclipse, as well as most of the changes reported till now,seem inexplicable. Some researchers (Gerasopoulos et al. [9]) suggest that the TOC decrease is an artifact in the measured irradiance due to the increased contribution of diffuse radiation against direct irradiance caused by the eclipse. On the other hand, the eclipse causes temperature gradients in the atmosphere, leading to transport processes which can influence the ozone amount.TPT> " Q References Z 1. B.G.Hunt,  A Theoretical Study of the Changes Occuring in the Ozone Layer During the Total Eclipse , Tellus, 1965, 17, pp. 516-523. 2. R.D. Bojkov,  Ozone Variations During the Solar Eclipse of 20 May , Tellus, 1966, 20, pp. 417-424. 3. L.G. Bolshakova, Z.M. Malkin, D.D. Polojentzev, A.L. Osherovich, Y.A. Tolmachev, N.S. Shpakov,  Results of the Total Ozone Content Measurements During the Total Solar Eclipse of 31 July 1981 , Atmospheric Ozone, Proceedings of 6th symposium, St.Petersburg, 1987, pp. 102-107. (in Russian) 4. F.M.Mims and E.R.Mims, Fluctuations in Column ozone During the Total Solar Eclipse of July 11 1991, Geophysical Research letters, 20, pp.367-371, 1993. 5. A.Osherovich, N.Shpakov and V.Zarubaylo, Measurement of Total Ozone Content During the Total Solar Eclipse of 10 July 1972, Atmospheric and Ocean Physics, 10, pp.755-760, 1974. 6. D.K.Chakrabarty, N.C.Shah and K.V.Pandya, Fluctuation in Ozone Column Over Ahmedabad During the Solar Eclipse of 24 October 1995, Geophysical Research letters, 24, pp.3001-3003, 1997. 7. A.H.Hrgian, Atmospheric Ozone Physics, Gidrometeoizdat, St.Petersburg, 1973. (in Russian) 8. B.Petkov, Ts.Gogosheva, D.Krastev. Measurements of the total ozone content over Bulgaria by scanning ultraviolet spectrophotometer. Compt. Ren. Acad. Bul. Sci., 54, N7, pp.35-38, 2001. 9. E.Gerasopoulos, C.S.Zerefos, I.Tsagouri et al. The total solar eclipse of March 2006: overview. Atmos.Chem.Phys., 8, 5205-5220, 2008..P.*&4!:&      %    * u #   k 5n ` fff33` 3KI3ff` 33ff` /p` 3%*3|` Jy3fff3f` 3ff3̙` 33ff33` DDyq3f` ̙3n` w3ff` }ff>?" dd@,?nKd@ P nA@F`d n?" dd@   @@``PR"   @ ` `2p>>   x" (  x x 6잠 #" ``   Z*  x 6\ #" `` `  \* T X x "X x Nd#" `P H0 x 6d#" `U F0 x S "UY @ x c $"YW @  x c $l"YU @  x c $Ķ" @  x S #" `SV F0  x S t"Y @  x c $"X @ x <Š #" `  `  T Click to edit Master title style! !$ x 0$ʠ " `p  RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     S x 6lˠ #" `^ `  X* H x 0޽h ? }ff80___PPT10. 07  PixelE - |E(  |j T  | " | T<d #"   H0 | c $7 "9)e  F0^b e  |# "e  | S 7"ie  F0 | S @ 7"9) F0 | S  7"0 F0  | S 7"?e  F0  | S D7") F0  | S 7"?G F0  | S D7"oG F0  | S 7"9G F0 | S p#7"iA F0 | S &7"A? F0 | 6@)7 #" `` ` 7 X*  | 6(/7 #" ``  7 Z*  | 647 #" `` ` 7 \*  | 0d37 "P   7 T Click to edit Master title style! ! | 08:7 " P  7 W#Click to edit Master subtitle style$ $H | 0޽h ? }ff80___PPT10. 07.L0  0(  x  c $ C7|P   7 x  c $D7| P  7 H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.t@`c`+D=' = @B + -L0 `0(  x  c $7x  `  7 x  c $07x `p 7 H  0޽h ? f;v3ff___PPT10i.(A 4k+D=' = @B + -L0 p(  r  S 7x  7 H  0޽h ? f;v3ff___PPT10i.(A@+D=' = @B +/ -L0 . & (    c $7x@p 7  A significant fluctuation in the total ozone amount was reported by Chakrabarty et al. [6] during the eclipse on 24 October 1997. Approximately 4-5 minutes after the third contact the ozone was ~12% less than the value observed after the fourth contact. 5 minutes after that the ozone amount sharply increased and reached a value, 10% higher than that after the eclipse. Then the ozone returned to normal values but a wavelike fluctuation was still present. Data of TOC measurements during different solar eclipses are summarized by Hrgian [7]. In most of the observations an increase of the ozone has been found and the maximum has usually been reached after the total phase. These results show that until now there is no certain notion about the ozone behavior during an eclipse. Some researchers explain it as a result of the different devices used in the observations, others  of the different atmospheric conditions. Until now this problem remains open. ,PBE vOH  0޽h ? f;v3ff___PPT10i.)Ac5+D=' = @B + -L0 0(  x  c $7x  `  7 x  c $ x `p   H  0޽h ? f;v3ff___PPT10i.)A0fn+D=' = @B +! -L0  (  x  c $|7x `p 7 H  0޽h ? f;v3ff___PPT10i.*A஭\+D=' = @B + -L0 0(  x  c $D- x  `   x  c $8* x `p   H  0޽h ? f;v3ff___PPT10i.*Aq|+D=' = @B +~-  %(    BA xz   c  <J t kFig.1. The behaviour of UV solar radiation during the solar eclipse on 11 August 1999 in Stara Zagora.*l >-> JH  0޽h ? }ff___PPT10i.2A`+D=' = @B + - p(  r  S ,r x `p   H  0޽h ? }ff___PPT10i.7A 3+D=' = @B +  - 7/(    BA x|`     <Hu P 7 EFig.2. The total ozone behaviour during the eclipse on 11 August 1999FF &H  0޽h ? }ff___PPT10i.7Ax+D=' = @B + - (  r  S  x0 `    H  0޽h ? }ff___PPT10i.8A5+D=' = @B + - \(  r  S 0 x    ^  6j  S A ??"?    6T  0! lFig. 3. Direct solar spectra: 1  before the eclipse, 2  in the maximum eclipse phase, 3  after the eclipse (Stara Zagora). ,uH  0޽h ? }ff___PPT10i. 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